We are Equipped by Faith 

faith |fāTH| noun 1 complete trust or confidence in someone or something: Her faith was in God alone. 

Hello ladies! I’m so excited to announce that our new website has launched! Hooray! Welcome to Equipped by Faith—a place where women gather together, to be equipped by the truth of God’s Word, the power of personal testimony, and the support of a committed community. 

Everything in life requires faith. 

You need faith for your business, faith for your finances, faith for your marriage and for your family (or for the marriage and family you hope to have in the future). Faith is required for new career ventures, for old relationship issues, and certainly, for the struggles that we face each and every day. 

No matter where you find yourself in life—we are all, always, on a journey of faith. 

I don’t know what I would do without my faith in God or the encouragement I receive from the spiritual mentors I have in my life. Equipped by Faith was founded in 2014 for this very reason. I had a desire to create a safe place for women of all ages, cultures, backgrounds, and religions to find encouragement on their journey. 

Since 2014, this group of women has grown, meeting together faithfully on the first Wednesday of every month. And each month, I get more and more excited about what God is doing with our small community and the precious hearts within it. Every month, God brings the right speaker to share their personal testimony of faith, struggle, and hope. And every month, we leave more refreshed and encouraged by God’s love and faithfulness for us—His daughters. 

Equipped by Faith is growing, and we are offering more and more opportunities to get involved in our community through local outreach and city-wide conferences. Last month we served our homeless community downtown with SoupMobile for a “Breakfast with Jesus” event they had for Easter. There are also many incredible women’s conferences coming up in the area including Flourish and SHINE. (You can find out more on our calendar page, and be sure to contact us if you are interested in any events!) 

I’m also excited to share that we started an official EBF Podcast! This podcast is a recording from our monthly gathering with our featured speaker. We are so blessed each month to hear the testimonies of incredible women who are pursuing God with all of their hearts through seasons of joy, sadness, discouragement, and struggle—yet find faith and hope in their God. These testimonies and moments are so special—and I love to listen to them over and over when I need encouragement throughout the week. 

Whether you are a stay at home mom, a thriving entrepreneur, entering into retirement, or a college student trying to figure out the next steps in life—we all have one thing in common: We are all on a journey of faith. 

No matter where you find yourself on your faith journey, know that there is a place for you here.

My dream for this ministry is to help as many women as possible to achieve the dreams and visions that God has placed inside of them. I want to invite you to step out of your comfort zone and join us as we celebrate one another through prayer, healing, and encouragement. It is my greatest desire that EBF would be an integral part of your journey as you grow in your personal relationship with God. I pray it will become a catalyst for your purpose and destiny, and that you would find true community and fellowship through these gatherings.

See you soon at Equipped by Faith!  



PS: If you are new to Equipped by Faith or just interested in learning more, email info@equippedbyfaith.com to find out how to get involved!

Amy Ogle